update for 2023 rankings + ranked events

*Special announcement*

Starting January 2023 there will no longer be an event rating system and only official ABA Battle Series events will award points that count towards the national ranking system that the ABA Selection committee will take into consideration when deliberating.

There will be four (4) Battle Series events a year with a strong preference to host at least one (1) event outside of NSW ideally two (2), pending ABA resources and capabilities at such a time.

After the most recent ABA meeting, it was put forward by the National Ranking System (formerly RARC) to streamline the event ratings and rankings structure. To create a more fair and effective pathway for those looking to participate.

For details, view the documents below:

National Ranking System (NRS) Mandate

National Ranking System (NRS) Rules and Regulations


Battle series - redline games 2023


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